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My name is Adam Luton and this particular digital humanity is part of a collection of digital humanity projects for the Creighton University History 317: Introduction into Digital Humanities class. The purpose of this class is to explore the practice of using digital technologies in the context of humanities scholarship. The purpose of this particular project is to use the scholarship of Dioscorides, a Greek physician, botanist and pharmacologist, to create a resource that can be used to diagnose and treat illnesses. The reason I chose the Vienna Dioscorides, is because I am a biology major and a science and medicine in society (basically history maybe?) minor. I wanted to create project both historical and science in nature. I remembered from my sophomore year in botany class seeing a copy of the Vienna Dioscorides in the rare books room of the the library at Creighton. What better to create a project around, a historical book of science. Warning: All information for this project was obtained from the Vienna Dioscorides and for many obvious reasons, I urge you not to use this project to treat any medical problems you have. Please seek help from medical professionals of the current millennium.