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It is diuretic, bringing down the menstrual flow, and dissolving gaseousness. The flowers of it used in drink are good for bloody vomiting and a painful stomach, as well as the lungs, liver and kidneys. The root is more is given for a squeamish…

Dried and given in drinks it is warming and encourages urine. It is good for a painful rectum and encourages the menstrual flow.

It is good for the same things as the Syrian but it is more diuretic and better for stomach disorders. Taken as a drink with a decoction of wormwood it helps inflammation of the liver, jaundice, and gas-filled intestines. In the same way it is good…

It is good for the same things as the Syrian but it is more diuretic and better for stomach disorders. Taken as a drink with a decoction of wormwood it helps inflammation of the liver, jaundice, and gas-filled intestines. In the same way it is good…

The roots (boiled with water or pounded smooth [or fine] without boiling and taken in a drink) lessen pains caused by obstructions around the bladder and kidneys. They are good for urinary difficulties, a gas-filled stomach, griping, diseases of the…

Cinnamomum_tamala_at_Kadavoor (1).jpg
It has the same properties as nardus but does everything more forcibly. Malabathron is more diuretic and better for the stomach. It helps inflammation of the eyes pounded into small pieces, boiled in wine, and rubbed on. It is put under the tongue…

It is warming, dilates the narrow openings of blood vessels and is diuretic. Taken as a drink, it helps those troubled with kidney and urinary stones and edema and also those bitten by scorpions. Applied as a warm pack it is good for chills of the…

It is warming and diuretic, expels the menstrual flow, and is good for diseases of the uterus applied in suppositories or as warm packs. Two ounces ,taken in a drink, helps someone bitten by a viper, chest conditions and convulsions. It is given for…

It draws out the menstrual flow and is an abortifacient, taken as a drink with myrrh or else applied. It is also good against beasts that put out their poison. It cleans away, heats and thins pus that darkens the pupils, and is diuretic. Rubbed on…

It is fit for eye medicines that are made for clearing the sight, and for warm compresses. It takes away freckles applied with honey, and encourages the menstrual flow. Taken as a drink it helps those bitten by snakes. It is good too taken as a drink…
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